Welcome to my Carrd! Here you can find my social media links, information about my commissions, and more.
Hi there! My name is Reid and I am an 18-year-old digital artist living in Florida. Before I started making art digitally in 2018, I did it with pencils and markers, scribbling different Pokémon and proudly taping them on my bedroom wall when they were finished. Even now, I still draw characters from things I like (shows, games, comic books, and yes, even Pokémon.) But that doesn't mean I don't make original art from time to time - I do! Some of my original art can be viewed in the Gallery. All of it is created using an iPad Pro with Procreate, along with the help of an Aoiktye Keyboard. If you have any questions, you can contact me through any of my socials. Bye-bye!
If these images don't show up well on mobile, I've included a link to a post on my Newgrounds account showing the same information at the bottom of this page. (for better viewing, of course)
All of the art in this gallery involves scenes and characters created by me, myself, and I.